Karole Armitage

Karole Armitage

(1954-- )

Dancer and choreographer, born in Madison, WI. Trained in classical ballet, she moved from the Ballets de Genève, Switzerland (1972--4) to the Merce Cunningham Dance Company in New York (1976--81). She then began a choreographic career which took her to Paris, where she created pieces for Paris Opéra Ballet. 

I think I am in love
The kind of love you have for someone you admire
She is incredible
Maybe someday I can meet her
If I am lucky enough we can create together
A multimedia experience that would be unmatched
I bring the visuals and the industrial music
She brings the humanity

I love dance
It is the most pure art form there is
The body is the medium
No form of expression is more raw
No artist are more refined