Thinking of the christian god
In attempt to understand his charm
The mass fascination
A being described in outdated tomes
Ideas built from older tales
Why humanity feels required to judge our souls by this reference
And not burn every record of it
For all the pain and suffering it has wrought
Organized religion such a beast
So much life lost in it's name
All in attempt to belong
Be alike

A singular entity has come to dominate
Due more to destruction of the competition
Than honest virtue
Contradict them and be killed
A reoccurring nightmare
All in his name

At this time remember a lover
Remember the one you hold most dear in your heart
The one whom you have not seen in years
The one who has no bad memories in your mind
Only thoughts of joy and happiness
The one that if you could be with again would never let you down
The one you will always love
Who in your heart will always love you
The one that all your friends adored
The one that only gets more perfect with time
The one you wrote for
Created for
Inspired you
In your eyes they could never do wrong

They are in the past
Never to be seen again
In this they are safe
Free to become anything you want them to be
To be put up high on your pedestal
Their vision will comfort you when no real person can

This is the christian god
Taught from the beginning to be a fond memory
Only to be felt
Perfect because you make him so

What bliss
Discovering that he left behind all his powerful poetry
Like the artifacts of that lost lover
But god's words are more eloquent
Like Shakespeare

Because they are

This they adore
Written and rewritten
To be perfect
Every line
And they are great words
But only that


I believe he existed
I also feel he would be in horror of what has been done in his name

Many great women and men have existed
But in past the world was smaller
Not so many voices
Not so many ideas
Not as easily heard

These great inspirations
All shared a love of fellow man
A desire to do right
Be just
They tried to foster belief in ones self
Their methods varied
Some used symbols
Others intangibles
The goal always the same
Respect your fellow man
Be true to your heart
Do the best you can with the life you are given
Your actions in life will have consequences long after death

The last point being a key to much dispute
How to drive that message home
How to enlighten the savage beast that we are
Instill that understanding
So developed punishment and reward
Do good in life
Or face the wrath

By this time the populace had grown
Our planet began to fill with voices
So loud they muddled the words of visionaries
New methods to convey the ideas
New means to distort the message
A constant process
Driven by the primal hunter within
We all want to succeed
Why not use the truths that appeal to every soul
Add to them the laws that benefit you
Awaken the unholy into new faith
Bring yourself power in the process

Yet through all this
The hearts still contain the truth
This is why I always ask to believe in yourself long before any book
The great teachers
Christ, Buddha, countless more….
Are easily found
Their written history always speaks of soul, love, and heart
They are long dead and can not sit before you to convey their one message
Their secret to finding them
Look inside
In your heart you will know what is good
One that follows their heart is a follower of all religions
To follow your heart is to be holy in any visionaries eyes
There is no need to define what this means
Contemplate it
Look for yourself
When the light from within is reflected in the world around you
That is when you know
That is pure faith
Choose to put a name to it if you will
Yet that discredits the sensation by calling it something it is not
It is only truth of heart that can set you free
Every great teacher knew this
They felt it
Tried to instill it in all those around them
Do not let the lack of vision of other men distort your view
Just trust yourself