November 30, 1997 
Time has been moving in amazing spectrums 
Brian opened a third eye to conversations lost 
How fortunate I am 
To have a professor of philosophy to bounce my thoughts off 
A Buddhist of every denomination 
Debating every aspect of time, faith, and society 
All in a fifteen minute break 
We lose ourselves in mind and soul 

I fed my addiction 
The need to entertain with

Lust for strategy 
More productive time lost 
It was fun though 

Emotions torn 
Defensive mechanics protect my vulnerable core 
In and out of now living 
My muses come and go 
As they always do 
Walked this road before I have 
Traverse it again I am sure 
That never eases the stress of confusion 

Creative opportunity has been presented 
To early to make judgment 
Ironic that I insist on looking so far for escape 
Only to find it offered just under my nose 
A chance has come to do what I have always wanted 
If word is good 
Then I will be working for the pleasure of the job 
Too excited to contain myself 
Yet I must be calm as not to be disappointed 
It's a fickle world out there 
Nothing is inevitable 

The web regained appeal 
Known amongst peers as the surfer of power 
I find much to dismiss 

Sometimes art 
Othertimes beauty 
Of beauty I found images that are my desire 
The female form is perfection in my eye 
Those forms more so than most